Saturday 7 September 2013

Grass seed for beautiful lawns

As with anything planted from seed preparation and maintenance is key in producing a beautiful lawn. Sowing lawn seed is not only more cost effective than turf but it also offers a wide variety of mixtures. From woodland grass seed for heavy shaded areas to ornamental lawn and greens for the more delicate plots you are sure to find a mixture to suit your needs. Choose a lawn mixture such as back lawn for family spaces. The rye grass in the mixture will help it grow in more hardwearing areas. Growing lawn seed will also allow you to cover small spaces in your garden to make sure areas such as corners and slopes are evenly spread with lush grass.
Grass seed and lawn seed mixtures
Front lawn seed

Sow grass seed anytime from late summer to mid autumn. Skim and level the soil making sure it is free from weeds and stones. Walk on the soil to firm it down and then rake it again to a fine level finish before lightly raking in a granular fertilizer. Wait 2 – 3 days before sowing the grass seed into marked areas. Shake the box of lawn seed before scattering the seeds in one direction and then the opposite direction to make sure all areas are covered. Once covered with lawn seed, lightly rake over the area and water well. It is important to stretch some netting over the top to protect the lawn seed from birds and be sure not to let the new lawn dry out. Keep any weeds away and when the new grass had grown about 2 inches high cut it with a mower. Rake up the clippings after the first few cuts but there is no need to continue, as the clippings will recycle nutrients into the soil.
To maintain your new lawn and help defend it against weeds, disease and any unwanted insects it is vital to keep it watered, fed and regularly mowed. If using sprinklers during the summer months it is important to use them regularly as inconsistent watering can cause your lawn to become stressed and damaged. Water your lawn early in the morning to allow the grass to dry during the day. Water deeply to encourage root growth and leave an empty jar within reach of the sprinklers to measure the amount of water used. When an inch of water is collected it is time to turn off the water. Feed a lawn twice a year with a lawn fertilizer high in nitrogen and mow it little and often to help it to maintain moisture throughout the year. Try not to cut your grass seed too short and repair mowers regularly as dull blades can damage grass. Rather than treating the whole lawn with weed killer, treat weeds directly.
As your lawn matures it will become more accustomed to its location and surroundings and will flourish. Maintaining each simple step discussed will mean you can enjoy your garden with pride, knowing you have enriched the soil, sown the lawn seed and maintained your lovely lawn to produce grass that is always greener on your side of the fence.